Legitimacy during the COVID-19
Fecha de publicación: May 05, 2020 8:57:13 AM
The M&BE Research Group from Rey Juan Carlos University is developing a research to quantify the legitimacy during the COVID-19 times. Researchers from other countries have considered it an interesting issue and have decided to join the project. Currently the survey is available in 4 versions and researchers from Italy, Portugal, Spain, USA, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Perú are gathering very relevant data.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to answer and disseminate the survey and encourage everyone (family, friends, colleagues, students, etc) to complete it. Since COVID-19 is affecting everybody regardless of the age, level of income, gender or city, and we are all suffering the consequences of the pandemic and confinement, everyone can participate.
Here are the links to enter the survey in the different languages. Thank you very much for your help!
Spanish: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6sSEXw03nkuDDHVvi_G1HzroC9iYFhxJgt6aYVovAbtUMVVWSFc2SFBWVExORlc0NFRHNjVSNVgyRS4u
Italian: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6sSEXw03nkuDDHVvi_G1HzroC9iYFhxJgt6aYVovAbtUNEpQMzRGWEM2Q1VIOUozV0FBQURIVjdHOS4u
English: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6sSEXw03nkuDDHVvi_G1HzroC9iYFhxJgt6aYVovAbtUNzBPTkhNVDhWSE9FVUhDQkxLOVBVVVlTMi4u
Francés: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6sSEXw03nkuDDHVvi_G1HzroC9iYFhxJgt6aYVovAbtUMDFJSFgyUllYRUtDV0ZJMU9UM0lUSjI1Ui4u
Latam: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6sSEXw03nkuDDHVvi_G1HzroC9iYFhxJgt6aYVovAbtUNVZOTFo1OUZaSUc5VlZTSk8zUVVHVk1aSC4u
Cristina del Castillo
Researcher from M&BE Research